
I am ,

a certified Aim True: Integrated Vinyasa Yoga Teacher through the Colorado School of Yoga. I feel extremely fortunate to have been able to complete my RYT-200hr study under the inspiring Kathryn Budig and the empowering Gina Caputo. These women, as well as my entire Aim True family, have given me a solid foundation in yoga and a passion for it. Currently, I am working on my 500-hr advanced certification with Tiffany Cruikshank’s Yoga Medicine.

My classes are a web of alignment and anatomy with a focus on flowing movements held together by breath. Some classes are slower, some are faster, but all offer a moment of self discovery and balance. I hope to encourage people to get on their mats and move while listening to their breath. To inspire people to enjoy the journey that yoga and life takes them on while pushing their boundaries to their intelligent edge. I want people to enjoy the process as much as the goal and to remember that both in the classroom and in life, you have to focus on what is going on with you and your body. You have to keep your eyes on your own "mat".

Currently I am pursuing my 500hr training with Tiffany Cruikshank through Yoga Medicine. Their philosophy is to "educate & empower teachers to use yoga therapeutically based on a deeper understanding of anatomy, physiology & the integration of eastern & western methodologies". Through these trainings I feel excited that I have been able to increase my knowledge and practice for my students and my community. 

What is Integrated Vinyasa™ ?

Integrated Vinyasa™ is a yoga practice rooted in intelligent, natural evolutionary patterns and emphasizes the subtle inner work we access via our physical bodies and movement. It unifies the polarities of alignment and flow, anatomy and energetics, science and philosophy, engagement and relaxation, outer and inner, focus and release, structure and spontaneity, tradition and evolution and work and play. More than simply a style of yoga, Integrated Vinyasa™ illuminates our relationship with Nature, our interconnectedness and an energetically sustainable approach to living fully.
— ~Gina Caputo

Aim True YTT

Aim True Tribe in our "Anti-Slouch Yoga Strap Trick", aka. yogi lederhosen :)